Here is a message from USW teams.
Hi all,
As you may have noticed already, we have unaffiliated with EPro and his server. EPro broke the rules that were set for potential script owners by "hacking" a member of this community and uploading that member's personal details (including addresses and passwords) on Pastebin, and defacing his site.
So what does this mean? This site will remain up for about a year from posting this, until my most recent payment for it runs out. Furthermore, we will not be accepting new members anymore, and all forum ranks now have the same rights despite the names. Only BP13 and me will be administrating the site. Oh, and we've disallowed some forms of embedded content in posts - links and pictures only, now.
EPro has a history of doing some rather radical things to get what he wants. I would recommend everybody to be cautious on his server and any sites he may own, just in case.
Take care, people.- XpanD