Meh anime manga fans

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

R.I.P USW :'(

Hello all,
Here is a message from USW teams.
Hi all,

As you may have noticed already, we have unaffiliated with EPro and his server. EPro broke the rules that were set for potential script owners by "hacking" a member of this community and uploading that member's personal details (including addresses and passwords) on Pastebin, and defacing his site.

So what does this mean? This site will remain up for about a year from posting this, until my most recent payment for it runs out. Furthermore, we will not be accepting new members anymore, and all forum ranks now have the same rights despite the names. Only BP13 and me will be administrating the site. Oh, and we've disallowed some forms of embedded content in posts - links and pictures only, now.

EPro has a history of doing some rather radical things to get what he wants. I would recommend everybody to be cautious on his server and any sites he may own, just in case.

Take care, people.
- XpanD

Thursday, July 5, 2012

My useless posts or old posts have been deleted due to my English is so useless long ago

Hello all,
I might think about my useless posts those posts never be published that why i don't know i will delete my useless posts because no one understands my sentence except my dear, Kelvin. :3

.____. hello guys long no see that im posting my old blog....

Hello all,
I'm lazy that i should customize my old blog about mine ( SA:MP ), also i just move my posts to SAMP moments :D

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

[MOVE] .____. an asshole guy

Hello all,
I just saw that guy who tries to do /rban all player, i think it gets too annoy by that guy who would insult other players. Also, i should report that asshole guy named XGAM3R., please ignore that guy has a skype.


LOL gamer, you cannot do anything if you were attacking on USW server but you never will be unbanned that why you have to deserve it. In my opinion, XGAM3R might has insulted a woman named Queenly_Mae. I know her that why she gets some problems, but not a her fault. Also XGAM3R should be range-banned on the server too. He is an annoying kid in the cyber-net.

If you see that guy will do somethings, tell me how he is doing.

Edit: So, if you should tell me, i will give you a skype not XGAM3R's.

Thanks for reading this post.


Monday, January 2, 2012

[MOVE][OLD] 141 clan??

Hello there

I got 141 props from ameba pico before, oh yeah 141 is clan SA-MP. xD

But i like military clan XD

Lol yeah Leader of 141 is Overlord, he is nice player and he will be an admin long ago. :D i just see Tuneadores clan, Lucian. He is ban evader forever. So yeah Over is Martin from LSG. I remember the LSG clan. Lol just kidding about SA-MP.

Here is screenshot from Ameba Pico:

Here is screenshot from Internet

Translate in English:

[141Its boss [141]Overlord[Jefe] and is a loyal friend of the clan [TR]

The range are:
Soladado [Sol]
Flooring First [SP]
Cape [Cabo]
Sergeant [Sgt]
Lieutenant [tte]
Lieutenant 1 · [tte1 ·]
Commanding Officer [Of]
Captain [Cpt]
Colonel [Col]
General [Gen.]
Marshal [Marshal]
Boss [Jefe]

Current issue specifically Clan is the most loyal to the clan [TRand the oldest  otherwise.
Always with a cool head clan chief [141] is very friendly and good ideas by his clan is little conflict as well.

Sorry for translate google is not fun as well.

Anyways, thank you for reading post.
